Everybody knows about Wasp-Sting and Serpent-Breath, Uhtred’s saxe and longsword respectively, but if you're like me then you've probably thought about all the rest of the named weapons that appear on the page. Well wonder no more, this list has all of the named weapons from the series. Most of them are longswords, but there are a few saxes and axes too.
Ealdorman Uhtred’s sword: Bone-Breaker
Ragnar’s sword: Heart-Breaker
Uhtred’s sword: Serpent-Breath
Uhtred’s saxe: Wasp-Sting
Leofric’s sword: Dane-Killer
Ragnar the younger’s sword: Heart-Breaker
Sigefrid’s sword: Fear-Giver
Othar the Storm Rider’s sword: Brightfire
Cnut’s sword: Ice-Spite
Sigurd Sigurdson’s sword: Fire-Dragon
Uhtred the younger’s sword Raven-Beak
Uhtred the younger’s saxe: Attor(venom)
Finan’s sword: Soul-Stealer
Othere Hardgerson’s sword: Blood-Drinker
Ingilmundr’s sword: Bone-Carver
Sköll’s sword: Grayfang
Berg’s sword: Bone-Ripper
Egil’s sword: Adder
Whitgar’s sword: Flæscmangere
King Guthfrith’s sword: Boar-Tusk
Jarl Thorfinn’s long hafted battle axe: Skull splitter (Hausakljúfr)
Uhtred’s other sword: Nægling (Claw)
Thorolf’s axe: Blood-Drinker